Thursday 4 December 2008

Video Bathtub

see my video factory on Youtube and Facebook. Or you can access to directly. You can download it too.
In link download please fill simple form, you will receive link to download detail picture of hammered copper bathtub product.

Saturday 6 September 2008

Antique - Hammered Bathtub Brass & Copper Handicraft

Hammered Bathtub with the copper material very unique and antique, besides functional, bathtub copper offer the beauty, and also give natural sensation. This bathtub will transform style of king and queen palace into modern life.Enhance with aroma therapy and also soft music oscillation hence enough to transforming Your bathroom become like spa.

read more | digg story

Friday 5 September 2008


SUPRAMETAL ( merupakan perusahaan kerajinan tembaga kuningan handicraft (handmade) yang berdiri sejak tahun 1983 di desa Tumang Krajan Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah. Kerajinan tembaga, kuningan dan aluminium yang dihasilkan antara lain adalah :
Air Mancur, Anyaman, Bathtub, Bowl, Gentong, Guci, Kaligrafi, Lampu Dinding, Lampu Gantung, Lampu Meja , Lampu Stand , Mirror Frame, Patung, Relief, Vas, Wastafel, Ornamen. Kerajinan ini dapat digunakan pada desain interior rumah, gedung, masjid, gereja, kantor, lambang instansi, dll. Selain sebagai media hias, kerajinan tembaga kuningan ini juga fungsional sebagai mana mestinya.